Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday, July 22

Jen here. This summer I decided to take a class to do my senior project. Since I really wanted to go on this mission trip I decided to do my project on missions. Problem is… now I have to get up each morning and drive from Mt. Vernon to Monroe to get to school by 8:00 a.m. The last two mornings I have struggled to get up out of bed and drive. Last night and this morning I prayed to God to help me to choose joy and be alright with this situation. I just love the creative ways he chooses to answer prayers. While driving to school this morning the sun was covered up by big purple rain clouds. As I kept driving and praying, little bits of sun started to break through and turn the clouds a soft pink color. I kept driving and the sun kept rising. Finially I could start to see the shape of the sun come through this massive dark cloud. All around my car were dark clouds and fog but the sun kept fighting to get though. I was on highway 2 getting close to home when it finally broke through the dark clouds and as it did a dove flew across the sky in front of it. It was incredible. It was like through this God was telling me that no matter how much darkness is in my life, no matter what bad situation I am put in, or no matter how hard Satan is trying to pull me away, He is always there. He is always fighting to get rid of the darkness. Just like He sent His son to take on all the dark places in my life. I just thought that was a really awesome thing He did for me today. Please keep praying for all of us, that we might choose joy and know that God is always fighting for us even in the darkest of places. 

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